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Gary- Owner





Gary earned his BS in Zoology from the University of Texas at Austin and became one of Austin's pioneers in the retail pet business. Any central Texas retailer worth his salt has dealt with Gary at one point or another. The Aqua-Dome is the culmination of his many successful business ventures. Gary has encountered many techniques for keeping fish in his years of dealing with hobbyists. With a base in science and a little luck, he says "the only wrong way is the one that didn't work". Past president of the Austin Aquarium Club, former member of the Fish Judges Registry of Texas, past Master of Ceremonies for the Federation of Texas Aquarium Societies (FOTAS) convention in San Antonio. Studied at Dr. Gratzek's Fish Disease Workshop at the University of Georgia,  attended the 2nd Fish Health Symposium at the University of New England.  Here at the Aqua-dome we strive to be the best we can.  Our main objective is to make our customers successful, so that the animals in our care go home to live out long happy lives. 

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